Sunday, May 2, 2010

We need another candidate in District 32!

I think it's very unfortunate that we have no Dems running in District 32 and therefore no primary choices for Legislature. As a matter of fact, This is the sum total of my ballot for the primary election in June:

Yup, that's it. Although I will get to vote for my friend of the citizens Patti Martinson (one of the FEW that refused to censure Sam Kooiker for having the audacity to look into city business on our behalf), that's it. Heck— it's enough to make me register Republican so I can vote for Gordon just to give Dennis Daugaard a headache. (You can't dance with these people without consequences!)

To see what's on YOUR ballot (and check your voter registration) -- click here.

PLEASE, someone, register as an independent candidates so.. we an have some independent legislators! Both Reps. Gosch and Conzet have pretty much voted with the Republican leadership on everything (with a notable exception for Rep Conzet - THANK YOU for breaking ranks and voting for the women of South Dakota). It sure would be great to have a real race in 2010, where issues get discussed. Without a challenger, why would our incumbents even show up this year for their job evaluation from the voters of District 32?? As a Federal employee, I get evaluated twice a year; having to face questions from the voters every two years isn't too much to ask.

Even if they are not challenged, I really hope someone shows up and asks them about things like this:

But with no challengers, why should they even show up?

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