I thank Katy Urban of KOTA for doing such a great job on this story!
I got to say a few things, but the money quote was from Bob Ellis. He seems to say this whenever he gets interviewed by the press, maybe to keep the show going that he isn't basically just a mouthpiece for the Heritage Foundation:
Ellis says every blogger should strive to meet the highest ethical standards. "We should be held accountable to present as true of information as possible and definitely not making any claims or allegations that are demonstratively false," Ellis said.
Gina Miller, today on Dakota Voice offers a whopper -- I think she shows a lot of chutzpah to lie like this right the middle of West River, one of the most homophobic parts of the country.... Maybe she should go visit BHCFE and get some facts about what it's like for LGBT folk who live here.
[Proposed US House bill H.R. 4530 states] ,“…students and parents have often had limited legal recourse to redress for discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity,” another patently false statement.
And, it seems, every time it snows, Bob misrepresents settled science:
Much of what AGW [Anthropogenic Global Warming -- BTW Bob it's "Climate Change" -- some places get colder, some get wetter)] “shadow boxers” push to convince people (or just themselves, maybe) that AGW is real is what could best be characterized as “junk science.”
And he lies about religion constantly (here's a site to enlighten you, Bob, though I know that you aren't really interested in facts about religion--other than your extremist wing of Christianity):
The doctrine of every major religion teaches that homosexual behavior is immoral and is a contradiction of God’s design for the expression of human sexuality.
Talk about the "pernicious lie" ... Bob's ignorance and defiance of the facts would do a lot of damage -- if anyone really bought it outside his extremely True Christian audience.