And if you're ever in Aberdeen, please stop by The Red Rooster Coffee House, thank Dan and Kileen, and buy a lot of stuff and tip generously--the Rooster rocks!!
From the Aberdeen American News:
ELLENDALE, N.D. - As singing rang out across the Trinity Bible College campus Monday, three women began their walk, bypassing the fence meant to keep them off private property.My friend David Fischer of Aberdeen, a member of the steering committee of Equality South Dakota, shared this wonderful eyewitness account of what it was like. Talk about inspirational.
Carrying prayer shawls in their arms, the women marched steadily toward the campus buildings, as about 25 others - many of them representing the Soulforce Equality Ride, a group rallying against religion-based discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people at Christian colleges across the nation - continued to sing: "Go now in peace. Go now in peace. May the love of God surround you."
Sunday & Monday were amazing days for me; now exhausted yet empowered to continue to work for justice and fairness. I spent many hours with the group on both days and we had a fantastic evening at the Red Rooster Coffee Shop. The Equality Riders weren't even scheduled to come to Aberdeen. Ellendale with Trinity Bible College was the only stop planned in this area.
Working for nearly 5 weeks, I spent countless hours writing, talking and walking the streets to get them here. Getting them here was the easy part, they were thrilled to be invited anywhere an audience of listeners was available. Finding a venue for their presentation and group discussion was nearly impossible until I spoke with Dan and his sister Kileen who own the Rooster. I was ready to throw in the towel but their web site says something such as "building community" and they lived up to that.I have tons of photos to go through and I'll send some your way as soon as I can but this is one shot of the bus stopped on Main Street with a few of the Riders heading to the Rooster. Imagine this big thoroughly conspicuous bus parked on one of the busiest streets in town for all to see and ponder.
Thanks for this update. All I'd seen was a couple press articles on it which didn't give a lot of background or about how things really went.