A little "good news" item: Dakota Choral Union had a fabulous concert last night (truth in advertising: I am on the board of directors and was singing with the group this time). Guest conductor Caroline Brown did a great job with this project, which included guest musicians (Justin Matters, organ; recorder group Going For Baroque) and visuals from The Clock Shop (really cool huge clocks on stage!) and Dakota Artists Guild (art exhibited in the narthex of the church). Wonderful performances were given by the three winners of the Clare and Josef Meier Young Vocal Artist Competition, which is held here in Rapid City every year.
A good time was had by all. First UCC was packed... we filled the whole floor and most of the choir loft too!
My favorite piece of the concert? How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place, of course... I'm a sucker for Brahms.
DCU is a wonderfully nonpartisan and everyone is welcome. Political, cultural and religious conflict is left at the door; in fact I know several politically active types that are adversaries elsewhere... but enjoy singing together in DCU very much.
If you're interested in singing with DCU, the best way to get on board is to visit dakotachoralunion.org for particulars. We'd love to have you.
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