I just LOVE the RC weekly news. I hope they have a long happy future ahead of them, because from arts to politics, they are doing great coverage and meeting the needs of the community. They even have an arts and events calendar that is printed sorted by date! (Wow--what a concept!)
This article about the election is cool because it catches the spirit of the Dems... although Katus was the only one elected locally, we are are still energized and hopeful for what we will accomplish in the future. We also have other lives besides politics that we are jumping into with both feet--Eric Abrahamson being the most public and notable example, running a chess tourney with Lois last Saturday!

Tom Lawrence did miss a fact though--Katus was certainly not just sitting around all day. He was back on the phones (in my living room, Precinct 1-3 Dem Headquarters) not too long after he took the break at the Dem headquarters Tom L. captured on camera. He was calling voters right up to 15 minutes before poll closing. We ALL worked very hard on election day.
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