Saturday, August 8, 2009

Ted Klaudt loses appeal

Details at the RCJ.

Just so we don't forget what this is really about, icky politics aside:

"South Dakota Attorney General Larry Long told The Associated Press, "He was convincing these girls they were candidates for donation of their eggs, that this would be a significant financial advantage to them and it was necessary for him to perform these acts on the girls to determine if they would be viable candidates for the procedure."
...if one of the girls cried during the "exam" Klaudt would give her a beer and tell her to relax.
He even went so far as to set up a fake e-mail account so the "clinic" could communicate with the girls."

The State Supreme Court basically said the evidence for all this was air-tight enough to withstand his legal contests. My heart breaks for these young women, who will have a lifetime of difficult healing ahead of them.

Thank goodness the system worked.

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