Last weekend I had the pleasure of helping out at Hills Alive, a Christian music fest in Rapid City. My church, St. Andrews Episcopal Church, helped out with hospitality, greeting folks and handing out programs. We are happy to be there although of course we have some theological disagreements about a few things. It was great to see some old friends, like John Ligtenberg of Love, INC, a really great Christian ministry, that like Hills Alive, has supporters from people of faith from all over the spectrum.
I ran into Rev. Dale Bartscher at the SD Family Policy Council tent, who you may remember left his post as senior pastor of First Christian Church to fight against SD women's right to make their own medical decisions in 2006. He's now working part time for the Focus On The Family agenda in South Dakota. We had a nice chat. He's a perfectly nice guy, but I could help but grieving a little for all the damage SDFPC and FOF have done while trying to do good. The whole state is still pissed at each other about the abortion fight, and they will be trying for a rematch. I invited Pastor Dale to the PrideFest next weekend. We agreed that we are both for families, in the final analysis, even if we don't agree on many details.
My favorite performer was Sarah Kelley, who I heard preach on Sunday afternoon. She had good words of comfort that I really appreciated, and you can imagine how easy this crowd could make me cranky. I really liked Ms. Kelley's message, and her singing was really great. She has a massive tattoo on the top of her foot, which takes guts. Ouch. After a conservative Christian friend told me she didn't like Sarah's off-stage behavior, I simply had to buy one of her CDs.
It was really fun, and I had a great time there.
But, Bob Ellis, where were you? Would have been fun to touch base... maybe next year.
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3 weeks ago
I could only make a brief visit to Hills Alive. I had to work some in the morning and some more in the afternoon, and my daughter had a martial arts tournament she wanted to attend in between my work sessions. And we had family in from out of town. So I was only able to make a brief walk-around as we were leaving the tournament at the civic center. Sorry I missed you. Maybe I'll catch you next year; I hope to help at the SDFPC booth again as I have before.